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(08) 9367 5135


60 Angelo Street, South Perth WA 6151

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Welcome to Our New Website

Check out our new website - built by and Tree of the Singing Wind designs. With our new website we hope to keep you informed and up to date with the latest fashion in hairstyling.    If, by chance you are wanting to build a website, I couldn't recommend these designers more highly. Check out Havealook and tell them you have seen this site. They have really superb support and are very friendly.   

Blog Fun

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. I have to walk early in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing... I joined a health club last year and spent about 400 bucks. I haven't lost a pound. Apparently, you have to go there. Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate. Every time I start thinking too much about how I look, I just find a Happy Hour and by the time I leave, I look just...